a photo of Jamie Sauve

Hi, I’m Jamie. I make web apps.

I’ve been doing this for five years now. I've worked for 3 years at a small startup company and another 2 at a huge non-profit.

I’ve made dozens of apps (my GitHub account shows off some of them).

I've got experience building a wide variety of apps, including web apps, static sites, desktop apps, mobile apps, and even Discord bots.

Here are some things I’ve built:

Written By Myth is a custom blog site I made for a friend. I designed it with Figma and created the logo using Midjourney AI. It’s built with React.js / Next.js and uses SASS for styling, and it's dynamic enough that my friend can write blog posts with Markdown and simply add them to the site - no coding skills needed.

Sage is my personal AI Assistant. I have it as a desktop application and use it every day for work. Under the hood, it uses GPT-4 (ChatGPT). It’s made using React with TypeScript, Tauri to package it for desktop platforms, and Vite for bundling.

I created this site to support my first (and probably only) music album. It’s very simple and built entirely with HTML, CSS and basic JavaScript.

Here are some of the things I can bring to your your team:

  • Supportive mentoring
  • Model effective communication
  • Implement fully responsive layouts
  • Create developer-friendly mocks
  • Create a style guide
  • Create or maintain a component library
  • Apply best practices for security and accessibility
  • Animations
  • Unit testing and integration testing
  • Write clean code and commit messages
  • Clear, kind code review (including editor-level spelling and grammar for copy)

I’m also experienced with Agile, Scrum, Kanban, and the Atlassian product suite.

These are the technologies I use most often:


Figma for wireframing and creating mocks

Midjourney AI for creating logos and imagery


HTML / CSS / JavaScript

React.js with TypeScript


A wide variety of CSS tools including SASS and styled-components

Webpack or Vite for bundling

Electron or Tauri for creating desktop apps


Node.js with Express.js


NPM Package Manager


AWS (Amplify, S3, Route 53, Cloudfront, EC2)


Git Version Control

Eslint for codebase linting

Other technologies I use occasionally:

Design libraries (Material UI, Ant design)

Other front end JavaScript frameworks (Vue.js and Solid.js)

State management libraries (Redux, Recoil.js)

Storybook for creating component libraries



Databases such as MySQL and SQLite

PM2 to run web servers

Want my help? Get in touch with me:
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